My 2TB storage expansion for Xbox Series X|S cost more than my Xbox. In this video I discuss the 2TB Seagate Storage Expansion Card for Xbox Series X|S. See the video at the YouTube channel or see embedded video below. Continue reading “2TB Storage Expansion for Xbox Series X|S Cost More Than Xbox”
The Evolution of Blockchain from Crypto to DApps
Syndicated blog from
I remember buying my first bitcoin back when it was still hovering around ~$100. It’s an understatement to say things have sure changed – and, not just in terms of what Bitcoin is now worth (market cap just under $1 trillion), but also with the ecosystem, exchanges, trading/investment vehicles, and flood of other blockchains and respective cryptocurrencies that followed. From the paper that started it all came an avalanche of ideas and innovation embracing fundamental paradigm shifts in how transactions, currency, digital assets, and even applications can be viewed and utilized in a different way.
Although I wish I could go back in time and follow-through with plans to sell all my assets and go all-in with Bitcoin, I am still excited for the future and what’s to come from what started with the first implementation of blockchain with Bitcoin to what has now morphed into something larger. In this short post, I talk about the initial use of blockchain with Bitcoin and how it has evolved beyond its initial use for digital money or cryptocurrencies into a platform for decentralized apps (DApps). Continue reading “The Evolution of Blockchain from Crypto to DApps”
Web3, DApps, and Cloudflare IPFS and Ethereum Gateways
Syndicated blog from
One of the interesting areas I’ve been reading-up and working on past few months has been Web3. Web3 can be viewed as a new iteration of the Web incorporating technologies that exhibit characteristics of decentralization, trustlessness, immutability, inherent verification, while also providing transparency. Additionally, Web3 moves away from the aspect of a single entity controlling user data such as we’ve see in the current Web 2.0 model. That’s a mouthful, and I’ll briefly explain some more below and also follow-up with an additional blog post going into more details when time is more on my side :-). Continue reading “Web3, DApps, and Cloudflare IPFS and Ethereum Gateways”
RoboRaid Game on Hololens 2 Augmented Reality Headset (Video)
See below embedded video or the Super Tech Camp YouTube channel for a demo of Microsoft RoboRaid Game on Hololens 2 Augmented Reality Headset. Demo highlights some of the augmented reality capabilities of Microsoft Hololens 2. Continue reading “RoboRaid Game on Hololens 2 Augmented Reality Headset (Video)”
Augmented Reality with Hololens 2 – Galaxy Explorer (Video)
Check out this short video below or on the Super Tech Camp YouTube channel highlighting the augmented reality capabilities of Microsoft Hololens 2 by demonstrating the Microsoft Galaxy Explorer App. Once the headset form factor gets small enough to go more mainstream, AR is going to transform how we do many things! Continue reading “Augmented Reality with Hololens 2 – Galaxy Explorer (Video)”
Augmented Reality – Nutanix Clusters on AWS Demo on Hololens 2 (Video)
Check out the video embedded below or posted on the Super Tech Camp YouTube channel. I demonstrate a brief demo of Nutanix Clusters on AWS on the Hololens 2 Augmented Reality (AR) headset. Continue reading “Augmented Reality – Nutanix Clusters on AWS Demo on Hololens 2 (Video)”
Nutanix HCI Now on Public Cloud
Nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is now officially available on public cloud. Similar to what customers do on-premises, they can now also deploy the full Nutanix stack on public cloud. At GA, AWS is supported and Nutanix Clusters can be deployed on the AWS Cloud globally – 20 regions, 61 availability zones and counting. Super cool. In this short post, I walk through why this is important and what it looks like. Continue reading “Nutanix HCI Now on Public Cloud”
Hololens 2 – Augmented Reality Intro and Demo (Video)
If you haven’t already, make sure to read my prior blog post Hololens 1 vs Hololens 2 Details and More!
Next check out my latest video posted on the Super Tech Camp YouTube channel, also embedded below. Continue reading “Hololens 2 – Augmented Reality Intro and Demo (Video)”
Hololens 1 vs Hololens 2 Details and More!

In this short post, I’m going to compare my experience with both Microsoft Hololens 1 and Hololens 2 and provide some valuable insight. Continue reading “Hololens 1 vs Hololens 2 Details and More!”